
Woe is the Republicans

A fellow student posted a commentary named Republicans Want Change. She points out that America was promised hope and it has not been received. It brings to mind a few questions, do only republicans want change? Is the hope promised up to the president alone? Can the executive branch make changes without the help of congress? Was it intended that the president would single handedly change our government while the house and senate engaged in childish power struggles and slander? Where are the people? I can’t seem to hear their defeated sighs over the tea parties anger.
In case it isn’t evident, I am very frustrated by this idea that the president hasn’t done what he promised. We are a democracy, which means the citizens participation is crucial. We have a unique power system designed WITHOUT political parties in mind. If we had a reality TV show about congress I bet we’d be rapt with awe at all the drama.
When a political parties main agenda is getting a president out of office and reversing any progress that has been made, openly pushing this agenda, how does an individual look at that and say “Yeah, let’s screw em, that’ll help!” Wouldn’t you rather see your government bodies focusing on the issues and working together to make changes that benefit the population and not their own financial or political gains?
Can you “force” a president to have a working relationship when all you want is to oust him? How does the GOP taking over congress allow us to work together when they have continued to be the whiny toddler on the floor not getting it’s way? 
Health care...should’ve known. I am sure we would all like to choose whether we have health care. I also want to know that a wart I had removed when I was 12 didn’t stop me from using my insurance because it is deemed a pre existing condition, and you can’t have both. Most importantly, how many Americans don’t want health care? Those on medicare? Medicaid? Congress? That is all government run health care, it is much needed and I can name quite a few citizens who would be lost without it, and guess what, you don’t have a choice how to use your medicare. Does it make sense that that we are okay with insuring our young and our elderly but not our working citizens who we rely on for our economy? I wish the republicans got this worked up when it became mandatory to carry auto insurance, no one complains about that! Or when they allowed credit history to determine your premium.
Oh the republicans have plans alright, how far do you think they will get if the president and the senate blocks their every move? They don’t want to spend, they don’t want to tax, they want a small government, they want it all and they want to stamp their collective foot until they get it and guess who is going to be at fault if they can’t deliver? You. Us. We the people.
Do you really want change? Then be like Ghandi, be the change you wish to see! 

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