
From Where I Am Sitting

I should let you know from the beginning that I tend to be an alarmist, self prescribed. I am interested in almost everything, I love to read, to watch documentaries and read up on past presidents.

I clearly lean toward Liberal no matter what "tests" I take. I could've told you that without the tests mostly because the word liberal sounds so...free. You could likely guess my causes based on that and you'd be right a good deal of the time. I am incensed by the T.V. and cannot watch it, I get angry when radio journalists call our President "Mr. Obama" and I think abortion is a non-issue that is swept into the spot light when far more important political happenings are afoot. Gay marriage, also a non-issue. Since you are not in my head, I suppose I will clarify the term "non-issue" as I use it. Actually, I'll just let it be, it exhausts me to even think about how to clarify such a non-issue.

I am fascinated by our government, from inception to now. I am mystified and intrigued by all of the things that I do not understand. I listen to Rush Limbaugh from time to time because I find him so ridiculous he makes me laugh, his callers however do not.

I grew up in a predominately gay community, surrounded by lesbians recovering from one addiction or the other. Yes, I think everyone is entitled to their natural rights. Blacks, whites, women, men, addicts and squares, gays and straights, the poor and the wealthy. Everyone without exception without cause. I do not think animals are just little people in fur coats. I wish that the people against abortion would donate half of their time to keeping pedophiles and murders off the streets. I understand why there are kids selling drugs on the streets and I do not think they are the problem.

I don't know how I feel about President Obama yet, or our current Congress but I hope this class will help me navigate the issues.

I have volunteered for the Northwest AIDS Foundation, stuffing condoms in pamphlets and handing them out on the streets of Seattle. I have volunteered for the Anne Frank Coalition, raising awareness for prejudices and I have given my time to The Bailey Bushay House, a hospice for people suffering from AIDS. I spent a semester at an inner city elementary school for fifth graders and I have sat bedside for two dear people as they died from cancer. All of these experiences have helped to shape the views I hold today.